Vaidyanatha Ashtakam in English
Vaidyanatha Ashtakam is a major hymn composed in praise and worship of Lord Shiva. This hymn is dedicated to Lord Vaidyanath, one of the twelve Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva. Vaidyanath Jyotirlinga, believed to be located in Deoghar (Jharkhand) or Parli (Maharashtra), holds special spiritual and religious significance for devotees.
Vaidyanatha Ashtakam Importance
Vaidyanathashtakam is believed to be composed by Adi Shankaracharya. It describes the glory of Lord Shiva, his healing and curative powers, and his supremely merciful nature. “Vaidya” means physician, and Lord Shiva is called “Vaidyanath” because he cures all the diseases of his devotees, be they physical or mental.
Characteristic of the verses of Vaidyanathashtakam
Characteristic of the verses of Vaidyanathashtakam
Vaidyanathashtakam has a total of eight verses. Each shloka describes the glories of Lord Vaidyanath, his divine form, his compassion, and his love for his devotees. Reading or listening to this stotra not only gives mental peace, but can also get rid of physical ailments.
Vaidyanatha Ashtakam In English
śrīrāmasaumitrijaṭāyuvēda ṣaḍānanāditya kujārchitāya ।
śrīnīlakaṇṭhāya dayāmayāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥśivāya ॥ 1॥
śambhō mahādēva śambhō mahādēva śambhō mahādēva śambhō mahādēva ।
śambhō mahādēva śambhō mahādēva śambhō mahādēva śambhō mahādēva ॥
gaṅgāpravāhēndu jaṭādharāya trilōchanāya smara kālahantrē ।
samasta dēvairabhipūjitāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 2॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
bhaktaḥpriyāya tripurāntakāya pinākinē duṣṭaharāya nityam ।
pratyakṣalīlāya manuṣyalōkē śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 3॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
prabhūtavātādi samastarōga pranāśakartrē munivanditāya ।
prabhākarēndvagni vilōchanāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 4॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
vāk śrōtra nētrāṅghri vihīnajantōḥ vākśrōtranētrāṅghrisukhapradāya ।
kuṣṭhādisarvōnnatarōgahantrē śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 5॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
vēdāntavēdyāya jaganmayāya yōgīśvaradyēya padāmbujāya ।
trimūrtirūpāya sahasranāmnē śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 6॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
svatīrthamṛdbhasmabhṛtāṅgabhājāṃ piśāchaduḥkhārtibhayāpahāya ।
ātmasvarūpāya śarīrabhājāṃ śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 7॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
śrīnīlakaṇṭhāya vṛṣadhvajāya srakgandha bhasmādyabhiśōbhitāya ।
suputradārādi subhāgyadāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥ 8॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
bālāmbikēśa vaidyēśa bhavarōga harēti cha ।
japēnnāmatrayaṃ nityaṃ mahārōganivāraṇam ॥ 9॥
(śambhō mahādēva)
॥ iti śrī vaidyanāthāṣṭakam ॥
Benefits of Vaidyanatha Ashtakam
- Health benefits : Lord Vaidyanath is considered as the god of disease prevention. By reciting this stotra one gets physical and mental health.
- संकता से मुक्ति : This hymn is helpful in removing every crisis of life, be it financial, family or personal.
- Spiritual Upliftment : The recitation of Vaidyanathashtakam instills positivity and purity within a person.
Vaidyanathashtakam is a unique boon for the devotees of Lord Shiva. It is not only religiously important, but through it a person can improve and achieve balance in various aspects of his life. If it is done with faith and faith, it definitely helps in making life happy and successful.