Sri Durga Saptashloki In English
Sri Durga Saptashloki is a powerful set of seven verses dedicated to Goddess Durga. These seven shlokas are taken from the Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmyam), a sacred Hindu scripture found in the Markandeya Purana. It is believed that reciting these verses with devotion brings protection, strength, wisdom, and success in all aspects of life.
Durga Saptashloki is also known as Shree Saptashloki Durga Stotra. It is often chanted during Navratri, a festival dedicated to Goddess Durga. These shlokas summarize the essence of Durga Saptashati and are recited for blessings, overcoming obstacles, and removing negativity.
|| Sri Durga Saptashloki ||
śiva uvāca |
dēvī tvaṁ bhaktasulabhē sarvakāryavidhāyini |
kalau hi kāryasiddhyarthamupāyaṁ brūhi yatnataḥ ||
dēvyuvāca |
śr̥ṇu dēva pravakṣyāmi kalau sarvēṣṭasādhanam |
mayā tavaiva snēhēnāpyambāstutiḥ prakāśyatē ||
asya śrī durgā saptaślōkī stōtramantrasya nārāyaṇa r̥ṣiḥ, anuṣṭup chandaḥ, śrī mahākālī mahālakṣmī mahāsarasvatyō dēvatāḥ, śrī durgā prītyarthaṁ saptaślōkī durgāpāṭhē viniyōgaḥ |
jñānināmapi cētāṁsi dēvī bhagavatī hi sā |
balādākr̥ṣya mōhāya mahāmāyā prayacchati || 1 ||
durgē smr̥tā harasi bhītimaśēṣajantōḥ
svasthaiḥ smr̥tā matimatīva śubhāṁ dadāsi |
dāridryaduḥkha bhayahāriṇi kā tvadanyā
sarvōpakārakaraṇāya sadārdra cittā || 2 ||
sarvamaṅgalamāṅgalyē śivē sarvārthasādhikē |
śaraṇyē tryambakē gaurī nārāyaṇi namō:’stu tē || 3 ||
śaraṇāgatadīnārtaparitrāṇaparāyaṇē |
sarvasyārtiharē dēvi nārāyaṇi namō:’stu tē || 4 ||
sarvasvarūpē sarvēśē sarvaśaktisamanvitē |
bhayēbhyastrāhi nō dēvi durgē dēvi namō:’stu tē || 5 ||
rōgānaśēṣānapahaṁsi tuṣṭā-
ruṣṭā tu kāmān sakalānabhīṣṭān |
tvāmāśritānāṁ na vipannarāṇāṁ
tvāmāśritā hyāśrayatāṁ prayānti || 6 ||
sarvabādhāpraśamanaṁ trailōkyasyākhilēśvari |
ēvamēva tvayā kāryamasmadvairi vināśanam || 7 ||
iti śrī durgā saptaślōkī |
Benefits of Reciting Durga Saptashloki
Chanting Durga Saptashloki regularly brings numerous benefits, such as:
- Protection from Negative Energies – The Goddess removes evil forces and protects her devotees.
- Success in Life – She grants wisdom, prosperity, and strength to overcome obstacles.
- Healing and Health – The shlokas help in recovery from illnesses and maintain good health.
- Mental Peace and Strength – Devotees gain inner peace, confidence, and spiritual strength.
- Removal of Fear and Anxiety – The recitation eliminates worries and fears.
- Fulfilling Desires – The Goddess grants wishes when called upon with sincerity.
When and How to Chant Durga Saptashloki
- Best Time: During early morning or evening after taking a bath.
- Occasions: Navratri, Tuesdays, Fridays, and full moon days are considered auspicious.
- Chanting Process:
- Light a diya (lamp) and offer flowers to Goddess Durga.
- Recite each shloka with full devotion.
- Meditate on the form of the Goddess while chanting.
- End the prayer with an Aarti.