Sri Durga Ashtakam In English
Sri Durga Ashtakam is a powerful Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Goddess Durga. It consists of eight verses (Ashtakam means “eight”) that praise the divine qualities, strength, and compassion of Maa Durga. This hymn is believed to grant protection, prosperity, and inner strength to devotees who recite it with devotion.
|| Sri Durga Ashtakam ||
kātyāyani mahāmāyē khaḍgabāṇadhanurdharē |
khaḍgadhāriṇi caṇḍi śrī durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 1 ||
vasudēvasutē kāli vāsudēvasahōdari |
vasundharaśriyē nandē durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 2 ||
yōganidrē mahānidrē yōgamāyē mahēśvari |
yōgasiddhikarī śuddhē durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 3 ||
śaṅkhacakragadāpāṇē śārṅgādyāyudhabāhavē |
pītāmbaradharē dhanyē durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 4 ||
r̥gyajuḥ sāmātharvāṇaścatuḥ sāmantalōkini |
brahmasvarūpiṇi brāhmi durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 5 ||
vr̥ṣṇīnāṁ kulasambhūtē viṣṇunāthasahōdari |
vr̥ṣṇirūpadharē dhanyē durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 6 ||
sarvajñē sarvagē śarvē sarvēśē sarvasākṣiṇi |
sarvāmr̥tajaṭābhārē durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 7 ||
aṣṭabāhu mahāsattvē aṣṭamī navamī priyē |
aṭṭahāsapriyē bhadrē durgādēvi namō:’stu tē || 8 ||
durgāṣṭakamidaṁ puṇyaṁ bhaktitō yaḥ paṭhēnnaraḥ |
sarvakāmamavāpnōti durgālōkaṁ sa gacchati || 9 ||
iti śrī durgāṣṭakam |
Benefits of Reciting Sri Durga Ashtakam
Regular recitation of Sri Durga Ashtakam brings numerous spiritual and material benefits, including:
- Removes Fear – It instills courage and confidence.
- Protects from Negativity – Shields against evil forces and bad influences.
- Grants Prosperity – Brings success in career and personal life.
- Enhances Spiritual Growth – Helps in attaining inner peace and devotion.
- Improves Health and Well-being – Prayers to Maa Durga bring mental and physical strength.
- Leads to Moksha (Liberation) – Devotees are freed from the cycle of birth and death.
Best Time to Recite Sri Durga Ashtakam
- During Navratri – This is the most auspicious time for Durga worship.
- On Tuesdays and Fridays – These are considered sacred for Goddess Durga.
- Early Morning or Evening – The best times to chant with a pure heart.
Devotees should recite Sri Durga Ashtakam with full faith, preferably after taking a bath and lighting a lamp in front of Maa Durga’s idol or picture.