Medha Suktam in English
Medha Suktam is an important sukta in the Vedas, which is taken from the Yajurveda. This sukta is mainly recited for acquiring intelligence, knowledge, and memory. It is especially pronounced by students and seekers of knowledge in Vedic texts. This sukta praises the goddess Medha (presiding goddess of wisdom and wisdom) and by her grace man gets knowledge, wisdom, memory and tact.
Importance of Medha Suktam
- Development of Knowledge and Wisdom :
Medha Suktam is a wonderful means of sharpening the intellect and awakening wisdom. Reciting it strengthens memory and improves decision-making ability. - For academic success :
Students recite this sukkah to achieve success in their studies and exams. It calms the mind and helps in concentration. - Religious and Spiritual Benefits :
This Sukt is not limited to educational purposes only; It is also recited for religious and spiritual advancement. It helps in attaining spiritual peace and higher level of consciousness. - Ritual Usage :
Medha Suktam is recited in Vedic rituals like Upanayana Sanskar, Namkaran Sanskar etc. It symbolizes making children intelligent and cultured.
Method of reciting Medha Suktam
- Chastity :
While reciting this sukkah one should take care of chastity of mind, speech and body. It is advisable to bathe and sit in a holy place before reading. - Devotion :
One should have complete devotion and dedication in the heart while reciting. By meditating and praying to Goddess Medha, the effect of Sukta is further enhanced. - Time :
Medha Suktam reading is more effective in the morning or evening. It should be done regularly.
Medha Suktam In English
taittirīyāraṇyakam – 4, prapāṭhakaḥ – 10, anuvākaḥ – 41-44
ōṃ yaśChanda̍sāmṛṣa̠bhō vi̠śvarū̍paḥ । Chandō̠bhyō-‘dhya̠mṛtā̎thsamba̠bhūva̍ । sa mēndrō̍ mē̠dhayā̎ spṛṇōtu । a̠mṛta̍sya dēva̠dhāra̍ṇō bhūyāsam । śarī̍ra-mmē̠ vicha̍rṣaṇam । ji̠hvā mē̠ madhu̍mattamā । karṇā̎bhyāṃ̠ bhūri̠viśru̍vam । brahma̍ṇaḥ kō̠śō̍-‘si mē̠dhayā pi̍hitaḥ । śru̠ta-mmē̍ gōpāya ॥
ōṃ śānti̠-śśānti̠-śśānti̍ḥ ॥
ō-mmē̠dhādē̠vī ju̠ṣamā̍ṇā na̠ āgā̎-dvi̠śvāchī̍ bha̠drā su̍mana̠sya mā̍nā । tvayā̠ juṣṭā̍ nu̠damā̍nā du̠ruktā̎-nbṛ̠hadva̍dēma vi̠dathē̍ su̠vīrā̎ḥ । tvayā̠ juṣṭa̍ ṛ̠ṣirbha̍vati dēvi̠ tvayā̠ brahmā̍-”ga̠taśrī̍ru̠ta tvayā̎ । tvayā̠ juṣṭa̍śchi̠traṃ vi̍ndatē vasu̠ sā nō̍ juṣasva̠ dravi̍ṇō na mēdhē ॥
mē̠dhā-mma̠ indrō̍ dadātu mē̠dhā-ndē̠vī sara̍svatī । mē̠dhā-mmē̍ a̠śvinā̍vu̠bhā-vādha̍ttā̠-mpuṣka̍rasrajā । a̠psa̠rāsu̍ cha̠ yā mē̠dhā ga̍ndha̠rvēṣu̍ cha̠ yanmana̍ḥ । daivī̎-mmē̠dhā sara̍svatī̠ sā mā̎-mmē̠dhā su̠rabhi̍-rjuṣatā̠g̠ svāhā̎ ॥
āmā̎-mmē̠dhā su̠rabhi̍-rvi̠śvarū̍pā̠ hira̍ṇyavarṇā̠ jaga̍tī jaga̠myā । ūrja̍svatī̠ paya̍sā̠ pinva̍mānā̠ sā mā̎-mmē̠dhā su̠pratī̍kā juṣantām ॥
mayi̍ mē̠dhā-mmayi̍ pra̠jā-mmayya̠gni-stējō̍ dadhātu̠,
mayi̍ mē̠dhā-mmayi̍ pra̠jā-mmayīndra̍ indri̠ya-nda̍dhātu̠,
mayi̍ mē̠dhā-mmayi̍ pra̠jā-mmayi̠ sūryō̠ bhrājō̍ dadhātu ॥
[ōṃ haṃ̠sa̠ haṃ̠sāya̍ vi̠dmahē̍ paramahaṃ̠sāya̍ dhīmahi । tannō̍ haṃsaḥ prachō̠dayā̎t ॥ (haṃsagāyatrī)]
ōṃ śānti̠-śśānti̠-śśānti̍ḥ ॥