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Pavmana Suktam
Pavamana Suktam In EnglishPavmana Suktam is a major sukta in the Rigveda, Samaveda and Yajurveda, composed in praise of the god Soma. This Sukta occupies...
Nasadiya Suktam
Nasadiya Suktam In EnglishNasadiya Suktam(Nasadiya Suktam English) is a famous sukta in the tenth chapter of the Rigveda (10.129). It is also known as 'Nasadiya...
Pitru Suktam
Pitru Suktam In EnglishPitru Suktam is a sacred hymn from the Rigveda and Yajurveda, dedicated to honoring and invoking the blessings of Pitru Devatas...
Vishnu Suktam In English
Vishnu Suktam In EnglishVishnu Suktam (Vishnu Suktam In English) is a major sukta located in the seventh chapter of the Rigveda. This sukta describes the attributes of...
Bho Shambho
Bho Shambho LyricsRaagam: R Evati,Ratnaangi JanyaAa: S R1 M1 P N2 SAv: S N2 P M1 R1 STaa Lam: AadiComposer: Dayaananda SaraswatiLanguage: SanskritPallaviBh O Shambh...