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Friday, March 7, 2025

Nasadiya Suktam

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Nasadiya Suktam In English

Nasadiya Suktam(Nasadiya Suktam English) is a famous sukta in the tenth chapter of the Rigveda (10.129). It is also known as ‘Nasadiya Rishi’. This sukta deals with the mystery of Brahma, creation and the origin of creation. The main theme of this sukta is about the existence of Brahma, the beginning of creation and its cause. Nasadiya Suktam presents a unique and philosophical approach, which raises deep questions about ancient Indian thought and Brahman.

Gist of the Nasdiya Sukta

The Nasadiya Suktam deals with the major questions related to the birth of Brahma and the beginning of creation. This sukta asks the question, “Was there anything before?” And “Where did all this come into being?”. In this sukta, the sage admits that we cannot say anything with certainty about the beginning of creation. A deep concern is expressed here that we do not have any clear or verifiable information about the time when creation began. It is also said that at that time there was no matter, no sky, and no existence of any kind. The word ‘nasad’ is used in this sukta, which means “there was not” or “there was nothing”.

Major Thoughts of the Sukt

  1. Mystery of Creation: The Nasdiya Sukt shows that the origin of creation is mysterious and difficult to fully understand. Through this sukta, it is tried to explain that all people are unable to know about the origin of creation, because there is no definite information on this subject.
  2. Existence of Brahma: The existence of Brahma is also questioned in the Sukta. This sukta casts doubt on whether or not Brahma created the universe, and who he was. “কার্তি কা ক্র্তি কান্তি সিয়ি” and “Was Brahma the cause of creation?” As questions are raised.
  3. Religious Point of View: Nasadiya Sukta is also important from the religious point of view because it casts doubt on the existence of Brahma and explains to us that we cannot have exact or ultimate knowledge about creation and existence.
  4. Opposition to Concepts: The characteristic of the Sukta is that it does not adopt any particular religious or philosophical concept. It challenges all beliefs that present a fixed and fixed view of creation.

Nasadiya Suktam In English


nāsa̍dāsī̠nnō sadā̍sītta̠dānī̠-nnāsī̠drajō̠ nō vyō̍mā pa̠rō yat ।
kimāva̍rīva̠ḥ kuha̠ kasya̠ śarma̠nnambha̠ḥ kimā̍sī̠dgaha̍na-ṅgabhī̠ram ॥ 1 ॥

na mṛ̠tyurā̍sīda̠mṛta̠-nna tar​hi̠ na rātryā̠ ahna̍ āsītprakē̠taḥ ।
ānī̍davā̠taṃ sva̠dhayā̠ tadēka̠-ntasmā̍ddhā̠nyanna pa̠raḥ ki-ñcha̠nāsa̍ ॥ 2 ॥

tama̍ āsī̠ttama̍sā gū̠ḻhamagrē̍-‘prakē̠taṃ sa̍li̠laṃ sarva̍mā i̠dam ।
tu̠chChyēnā̠bhvapi̍hita̠ṃ yadāsī̠ttapa̍sa̠stanma̍hi̠nājā̍ya̠taika̍m ॥ 3 ॥

kāma̠stadagrē̠ sama̍varta̠tādhi̠ mana̍sō̠ rēta̍ḥ pratha̠maṃ yadāsī̍t ।
sa̠tō bandhu̠masa̍ti̠ nira̍vindan hṛ̠di pra̠tīṣyā̍ ka̠vayō̍ manī̠ṣā ॥ 4 ॥

ti̠ra̠śchīnō̠ vita̍tō ra̠śmirē̍ṣāma̠dha-ssvi̍dā̠sī 3 du̠pari̍ svidāsī 3 t ।
rē̠tō̠dhā ā̍sanmahi̠māna̍ āsantsva̠dhā a̠vastā̠tpraya̍tiḥ pa̠rastā̍t ॥ 5 ॥

kō a̠ddhā vē̍da̠ ka i̠ha pra vō̍cha̠tkuta̠ ājā̍tā̠ kuta̍ i̠yaṃ visṛ̍ṣṭiḥ ।
a̠rvāgdē̠vā a̠sya vi̠sarja̍nē̠nāthā̠ kō vē̍da̠ yata̍ āba̠bhūva̍ ॥ 6 ॥

i̠yaṃ visṛ̍ṣṭi̠ryata̍ āba̠bhūva̠ yadi̍ vā da̠dhē yadi̍ vā̠ na ।
yō a̠syādhya̍kṣaḥ para̠mē vyō̍ma̠ntsō a̠ṅga vē̍da̠ yadi̍ vā̠ na vēda̍ ॥ 7 ॥

पिछला लेख
अगला लेख

कोई जवाब दें

कृपया अपनी टिप्पणी दर्ज करें!
कृपया अपना नाम यहाँ दर्ज करें

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